Frugal Feminine Products???

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Yep, that's right today we are going to talk about feminine hygiene!

A little while back I was watching a youtube video about how there are harmful chemicals in feminine products which I have been using since starting my menstrual cycle at 12 yrs old. GASP!!!! I am so mad at myself that I never researched this myself instead I just did what every woman does, just go to the store and grab the pads and tampons off the shelf without ever looking at the ingredients. I just assumed that they were safe. If you haven't checked out HeritageWays on youtube I highly recommend you check out her 3 part series on Feminine Hygiene. Anyways after watching those videos I decided to find all-natural reusable products. I first started with cloth pads byTeamoy. I got a multi-pack with different sizes and a wet bag. Let's just say I am in love with them not only are they pretty but they are highly absorbent and they don't give me rashes like the standard disposable pads did. Then because I am a tampon user I decided to find an alternative for that. Well, let's just say that the internet led me to the menstrual cup, I know sounds gross right? Well after much research I decided on the Organi Cup. Why this cup well because its made of 100% medical grade silicone and vegan-friendly which I liked.  How does it work you might ask? Well you insert it similar to a tampon but because its a cup it catches your flow instead of absorbing it in cotton ball that is laden with chemicals, now I know that you can buy all-natural tampons but I figured why not try a cup because if it works I will never have to buy products again because most cups last up to 12 years! Can you believe that! After a few tries with the cup because I will admit it takes some practice I can say that I am in love with the menstrual cup also. I recently have ordered another one that may fit me better because every woman is shaped differently and the height of the cervix differs from woman to woman. You may have to research and figure out what cup will work best for your body. But other than that I have no problem using cloth pads and a menstrual cup, the best part is for a normal flow you can wear a cup for up to 12 hours. So you literally empty it at night and in the morning, and you go all day with no worries of having to change a tampon every 2-4 hours! That's a win for me!! I hope you found this post informative and helpful and I highly recommend trying a different alternative to Feminine Products. Until next time God Bless!

(Heritage Ways)


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