2021 Update!
Hey everyone!
It's been busy around the homestead and I have had little time to blog. So here we go let's get caught up. So far 2021 is going good. We have a new cow on the pasture, incorporated new chicks and ducks into our flock, and started a small garden again. I am no green thumb but hey at least I try right? We have celebrated birthdays and even squeezed in a camping trip. I am also excited to announce that I have created a new planner! It will be available on Amazon shortly so be sure to check it out! I will also do an update when it comes available. I am no longer working due to the so-called covid pandemic........ But that is ok I believe the Lord wanted me to be home. It's funny how the Lord works in our lives and sometimes we don't always understand his ways but I know His ways are higher than my ways and I have to trust him with all things. I am sure everyone is struggling in some way or another throughout the last year and a half with all the pandemic stuff. It can take a toll on you emotionally, financially, and physically. That's when you need to trust God, focus on your family and health, and be grateful for the little things in life. This year my husband and I decided to take our health into our own hands and sought out a natural way to lose weight. We discovered through our chiropractor a 6-week weight loss program called Chiro Thin. My husband has lost over 40 lbs and I have lost over 35 lbs. We feel great! If you are wanting to get serious about your health I highly recommend you check it out. It's amazing how losing the extra pounds helps with inflammation, pain, and mental clarity, and overall outlook on life. I hope everyone is doing well and finding joy through these trying times. Remember that God is in control of everything and we have nothing to fear. Here are a few pictures of what's been going on I hope you enjoy them. God Bless!
Mom we need sunglasses!
Check out this driftwood!
Cowboy fisherman!
Shoshone Falls all lit up!
Mammoth Cave!
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