LIfe Update!
Emitt and Molly
Hey friends!
I just thought I would give a life update. We have had so much going on and I have been so busy. First of all, I think that in my last post I mentioned about getting a job. Well the Lord has blessed me with an awesome job. Let me just say that when you pray and really trust God for your decisions and concerns he listens and answers. When I was praying for a job these were my specifics. I asked God to either give me a job so I can work from home or a very part-time job locally in the small town I live in. I also told the Lord that I am not looking to be rich but at least 500.00 a month extra would make a world of difference. And last but not least I told the Lord that I still wanted to be able to homeschool my girls and not be gone from them all day every day. You may be wondering did God answer one of these requests or all of them? Well, I am here to tell you that God answered all of them. I found a local job working 2 days a week and making 500.00 a month. Plus I still homeschool my girls. Isn't God GOOD!!!! I am so very blessed and I stand in awe of how God works, better yet I never even applied for the job, I called to inquire about it and they called me back asking for an interview. Not only has it helped financially but it has also given me a nice outlet to talk to adults 😉 . We are also gearing up for 4 h and raising a goat again plus we will be raising a cow for meat. My son also graduated at the age of 16 and has started college. And my girls are moving right ahead in their homeschool. Spring is upon us and we have been getting nicer weather, so time to start working on a garden. I love spring and summer and cant wait to go camping and boating with my family. I hope everyone is doing well and God Bless!
Meet Tulip
Raised Garden Bed
Meet Naomi
Playmobile Time
Ella and Naomi
Eva and her 4-h presentation
Ella and her 4-h Presentation
Eva and her dog Molly
A fishing day with the girls and hubby
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