Back to Homeschool!!

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Hello Everyone,

          Well, we are rounding out our 2018 -2019 school year with only 10 days of school left. Yay!!! My kids are so excited to finish their books and get ready for a new year. This year I have decided to switch my youngest daughter's curriculum up a little. Why you ask??? Well, I feel that she needs to be a little more challenged and is very capable of doing more formal schooling. For instance like a workbook style. She has been using my curriculum A Christian Delight Directed Curriculum which has worked out great for the last several years. But she learns well and catches on quickly in a workbook style where the pages and instructions are all there and all she has to do is open and go. So we will be trying out the Flash Kids curriculum this year and will see how she does. She is very excited about her new book and can't wait to start. The book formally covers reading, spelling, math, language, and writing. Woven in between all those subjects are bits of history and science in the reading pages.4th Grade Flash Kids Curriculum. This curriculum is very affordable. That's why I decided to give it a try because you all know how I like frugal affordable options. My oldest daughter will stay in my curriculum, she will be using  A Christian High School Delight Directed Curriculum. She absolutely loves these books and is excited to up her game and study new subjects. I am a firm believer that if you think you need to switch curriculum to find something that works for your child then DO IT!! As long as your child is progressing forward at their own pace, that is all that matters. There are so many different learning styles and curriculum books it may take you a while to figure out what works for you and your children.  So don't be afraid to step out and research curriculum to find what works for you. I hope this post encourages you if you have any questions be sure to reach out and comment. God Bless!!!!

A Christian High School Delight Directed Curriculum
Flash Kids


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